How to get here

D8 motorway from Prague and Usti nad Labem, exit 80 to Decin, Decin from road no. 62 to Hřensko and another 4 km to Janov.
By road No. 13 from Liberec and Nový Bor to Děčín, from Děčín by road No. 62 to Hřensko and Janov.

Hotel Devítka

Our hotel offers you the most beautiful views. In addition, it is close to the Janov lookout tower. 

Opening hours: Daily from 8:00 to 20:00
Janov 233, 405 02 Janov
+420 770 142 877

Golf course Janov

Nine-course in Czech Switzerland provides an interesting game in the beautiful national park.

Opening hours: Daily from 8:00 to 20:00
Janov 233, 405 02 Janov
+420 412 514 334